Spring exhibitions not to be missed in our venues partners!

flagship exhibitions for spring 2024

The year 2024 is full of surprises and great events for all lovers of art and culture. Here's an overview of the spring program at our partner institutions.



April 5 to August 18, 2024

Dedicated to Jean Hélion (1904-1987), a leading figure in abstraction before the Second World War and in the revival of figuration from 1939 until his death, this retrospective highlights the career of a free-spirited painter who defied criticism and the expectations of his public to go against the grain. It reflects the periods of his artistic evolution, from his first works in the late 1920s, to his participation in the international abstraction of the 1930s, of which he was a fervent activist and a relay for the spread of ideas across the Atlantic. After the war, the artist turned to figuration, highlighting everyday life and the banal, initially in a staging that could be described as archetypal, then, in the 1950s, in a more realistic style. 

At the end of his life, in the 1970s-1980s, having become blind, Hélion revisited his work, with a touch of derision and without complex, playing on the reversals and chaos of objects present in his painting since the beginning, and thus making his contribution to contemporary painting.

MUSÉE D'ART MODERNE DE PARIS - Arab presences. Art moderne et décolonisation Paris 1908-1987

April 5 to August 25, 2024

The exhibition offers a rereading of the xxe century at the heart of artistic relations between Paris and the great Arab capitals, through a selection of 250 works - from French and international public collections and private collections. and private collections.

From Damascus to Baghdad, via Cairo and Algiers, the establishment of the French "beaux-arts" concept (through its schools and museums) represented one of the main thrusts of cultural and educational colonization. From then on, artists from African and Arab regions made their way in and out of academic institutions, many of them gaining a foothold in the French capital thanks to scholarships.
Paris welcomes and federates a large number of artists from all over the Mediterranean, without necessarily giving them the keys to success. It became a hotbed of cosmopolitan modernities, often on the fringes of society, which also fueled the decolonization movements.

In a dynamic back-and-forth between works and archives, the distant past and the near past, visitors are invited on a transhistorical and transnational journey that follows the key events and moments in the dialogue between Paris and the Arab and North African capitals. 

PETIT PALAIS - Théodore Rousseau. The voice of the forest

Drom March 5 to July 7, 2024

This is the first major exhibition devoted to the painter Théodore Rousseau (1812-1867), who made nature his religion, his world and his refuge. Rousseau was an ecologist before his time: leader of the colony of artists who frequented the village of Barbizon and the forest of Fontainebleau, he worked tirelessly for the protection of the Foret de Fontainebleau, which led to the creation of the "artistic reserves" (1853), a world first in the midst of industrialization.

Both a romantic and a realist, Rousseau's aim was to capture the harmony of the world in his work, and to mingle his soul with it. He played a fundamental role in the emergence of a new French school of landscape painting in the mid-21e century, paving the way for Impressionism.


March 16 to July 14, 2024

Born in Ravenna, Italy, in 1947, Paolo Roversi arrived in Paris in 1973, a city that taught him everything and that he has never left since. In 1980, he began working with Polaroid, for which he fell in love at first sight. 

In his studio, an imaginary space, a place of illusion and poetic reinvention of the world, he adopts black and white, revolutionizes color, makes blur his own and tames a light that liquefies bodies. Internationally recognized as one of the world's leading fashion photographers, Roversi's work over the past forty years has been haunted by the melancholy and fragility of beauty that still define his unique and distinctive style. 

His career has been marked by multiple collaborations with the greatest fashion designers: Yohji Yamamoto, Romeo Gigli, Rei Kawakubo, Azzedine Alaïa.

MUSÉE CARNAVALET - Stone and water. Stories from the Fountain of the Innocents

April 24 to August 25, 2024

The Fountain of the Innocents is a masterpiece of the French Renaissance, adorned with reliefs by sculptor Jean Goujon, and structures the center of Paris, in the heart of the Halles district. 

The restoration of the fountain in 2022-2024 offers an exceptional opportunity to discover the five nymph reliefs sculpted by Jean Goujon, which were deposited on the monument. The exhibition offers visitors a chance to rediscover this famous Parisian landmark, through a bold exhibition approach. Digital mediation presents the restoration issues facing heritage conservation professionals: how do you restore sculptures? why and how do you remove reliefs from a monument? what do you replace them with?

The exhibition explores the various evolutions and transformations that the Fountain of the Innocents has undergone over time, as well as the work of Jean Goujon, a major artist who is little known today. The decisive influence he had on many artists is another highlight of the exhibition, as is the posterity of this emblematic Paris monument in popular culture.

MUSÉE BOURDELLE - Antoine Bourdelle. The Memory of Objects

April 3 to August 18, 2024

Antoine Bourdelle. The Memory of Objects presents a collection of objects that once belonged to Antoine Bourdelle, and the way they fed his imagination. What do they tell us about the artist, the character he created for himself, his origins, his tastes, studio life and, of course, his work? Souvenirs, even relics, often with no intrinsic value other than documentary or emotional, they provide keys to understanding his work. This thematic display offers a new approach to Bourdelle's art, through the medium of emotion, intimacy and narrative.

MUSÉE COGNACQ JAY - Pocket luxury. The fashion for boxes, snuffboxes, cases and small luxury items in the Age of Enlightenment

March 29 to September 29, 2024

In the 18th century, small luxury items, known ase century under the generic term of "boxes" or "jewelry", were all the rage during the Age of Enlightenment, in France and throughout Europe. Made of gold, enriched with hard or precious stones, covered with mother-of-pearl, porcelain or translucent enamels, sometimes adorned with miniatures, these luxury objects par excellence crystallized the "small" virtuosity of the finest silversmiths. They are the source of some fabulous inventions: a miniature pistol is used as a perfume atomizer, a wax case takes the form of a porcelain asparagus, a sucker becomes a dromedary in sculpted agate...

These boxes and "jewels" were sometimes the object of unbridled consumption, and played an integral part in the rituals of elite sociability, particularly codified in the xvIIIe century. The exhibition presents rarities and masterpieces by the greatest names in luxury goldsmithing during the Age of Enlightenment.

MUSÉE DE LA VIE ROMANTIQUE - Géricault's horses (1791-1824)

May 15 to September 15, 2024

This exhibition, organized to mark the bicentenary of the death of Géricault (1791-1824), explores the powerful pictorial motif of the horse in the work of the Romantic painter. This animal is inseparable from the artist, and its many faces can be seen here: from the military horse to the proletarian horse, from the antique horse to the English horse, from portraits of heads and rumps to equestrian portraits. 

Géricault's passion for the equestrian world began as early as his training with the horse painter Carle Vernet, and he went on to explore equestrian anatomy and the expressiveness of horses, from birth to death, from anger to tenderness, via war, toil, misery and sexuality. For Théodore Géricault, the stable was the setting for all his aesthetic experiments.


March 27 to September 22, 2024

In 1966, the film Is Paris Burning? about the Liberation of Paris, directed by René Clément and based on the book by Collins and Lapierre.
Alain Delon, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Yves Montand, Kirk Douglas, Orson Welles and many others: a host of French and American stars contribute to the success of this blockbuster, which is still a cinematic reference today. But where does the historical fresco end? Where does the acting begin?

For the 80e anniversary of the Liberation of Paris, in 2024, the Musée de la Libération de Paris-Musée du Général Leclerc-Musée Jean Moulin presents an exhibition on a classic film, whose resonance sometimes replaces that of historical facts. Around a few emblematic scenes from the film, the public can discover the story of the Liberation of Paris in the light of the film's interpretation of the political context of the mid-1960s.

MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS - Iris Van Herpen. Sculpting the senses

November 29, 2023 to April 28, 2024

This exhibition pays tribute to the work of Dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen, now recognized as one of the most avant-garde figures of her generation. A pioneer in the use of new technologies, she transcends the norms of clothing by integrating traditional and forward-looking know-how. 

With over 100 haute couture pieces in dialogue with contemporary art and design creations, the exhibition explores the relationship between the body, clothing and the environment in a rapidly changing world, creating a unique resonance between fashion, contemporary art, design and science.

MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS - The birth of department stores. Fashion, design, toys, advertising. 1852-1925

April 10 to October 13, 2024

The Musée des Arts Décoratifs and the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine are joining forces to present two exhibitions on department stores. The partnership between the two institutions aims to present a two-part history, from the appearance of department stores in 1852 to the present day, 

The exhibition at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs explores the emergence of department stores during the Second Empire, their growth, their apogee, and their consecration at the 1925 International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts. It highlights the development of this new commercial concept in Paris Starting at 1850, initiated by daring entrepreneurs. 

These innovative spaces, mainly dedicated to women, revolutionized commerce and heralded the consumer society. The exhibition also emphasizes that, beyond their commercial principles, department stores bear witness to the industrial revolution, Baron Haussmann's urban transformations, the rise of the bourgeoisie and the construction of the image of the Parisian woman.

CITÉ DE L'ARCHITECTURE ET DU PATRIMOINE - Once upon a time, there were stadiums

March 20 to October 16, 2024

A unit of length in ancient Greece, the stadium (or stadion) was quickly assimilated to a vast empty space, partially or fully equipped around its perimeter with bleachers or grandstands. It can take many architectural forms, from the communal stadium to the great sports arenas, all of which derive from its successive uses.

The rise of mass sports in the 20th century transformed the stadium into a major public facility, to the point of becoming a monument. Dedicated to hosting national and international competitions, the stadium also became a showplace. The stadium's importance in everyone's imagination invites us to understand not only its history, but also its heritage dimension..

CITÉ DE L'ARCHITECTURE ET DU PATRIMOINE - Paul Andreu. Architecture is an art

February 15 to June 2, 2024

Paul Andreu is one of the leading figures on the international architectural scene in the second half of the 20th century. He joined Aéroports de Paris in 1963 and, at the age of 29, was entrusted with the design of the new Terminal 1 at Paris-Nord, the future Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle (1967-1974), an emblem of modernity at the time.

From Roissy to Beijing, Paul Andreu's projects are first and foremost crossings that mobilize fundamental principles: earth and sky, square and circle, West and East. From airports to the Osaka Maritime Museum and the Beijing Opera House, Paul Andreu has given architectural expression to flight, whether real or poetic. 

HOTEL DE LA MARINE - Al Thani Collection: a taste of renaissance, a dialogue between collections

March 6 to July 8, 2024

The exhibition pays tribute to Renaissance art, exploring its virtuosity and its continuing impact on collectors through the centuries. Featuring more than 130 works from the Al Thani Collection and the Victoria and Albert Museum, the exhibition highlights sculptures, goldsmiths, jewelry, glass, textiles, books, manuscripts, paintings, graphic works and exotic objects. 

It highlights the interconnectedness of the world during the Renaissance, a period marked by explorations and discoveries conducive to the exchange of materials and ideas across Europe and beyond. Works by artists such as l'Antico, Lucas Cranach le Jeune, François Clouet, Vittore Crivelli, Donatello, Nicholas Hilliard, Hans Holbein le Jeune and Leonardo da Vinci coexist with exceptional objets d'art commissioned by patrons from royal families and the high aristocracy.

MUSÉE PICASSO - In Leonce Rosenberg's apartment: Chirico, Ernst, Léger, Picabia

January 30 to May 19, 2024 

This exhibition presents a unique immersion into the living space designed by patron Léonce Rosenberg between 1928 and 1929. It features works by major artists of the interwar period, combined with the apartment's original layout. 

The exhibition explores Rosenberg's influence as a promoter of Cubism, featuring exceptional sets by Giorgio de Chirico and Francis Picabia. Despite the dispersal caused by the financial crisis of 1929/1930, some forty original works are brought together for the first time.

MUSÉE YVES SAINT LAURENT PARIS - Transparencies. The power of materials

February 9 to August 25, 2024

Through some forty textile pieces, discover how Yves Saint Laurent, from the 1960s onwards, boldly exploited transparency, reconciling antagonisms to affirm the power and sensuality of women. 

The exhibition explores the complex relationship between fashion and the couturier's view of the body, highlighting sketches, patterns, photographs and accessories. Works by contemporary artists accompany the tour, offering a unique visual experience.

BNF RICHELIEU - The invention of the Renaissance

February 20 to June 16, 2024

This Renaissance exhibition focuses on humanism as the pivot of this transformative period. With over 200 works, the exhibition explores the role of books, princely libraries and humanists from the 14th to 16th centuries. 

The tour covers the scholar's study, Petrarch's library, the rediscovery of ancient texts, the evolution of artistic forms, the promotion of human dignity and the creation of a new link with antiquity.

CLUNY MUSEUM - The Kingdom of the Winged Deer, the revival of the arts

March 12 to June 16, 2024 

This exhibition highlights a fascinating medieval period: the revival of the arts in the France of Charles VII" (March 12 - June 16 2024), inspired by the tumultuous life of this king as war raged against the Burgundians and the English. 

The exhibition unveils works that bear witness to this major artistic evolution, from painting to sculpture, goldsmith's and silversmith's art, tapestry, stained glass and illuminated manuscripts. It highlights the transition from Gothic art to the Renaissance, with a particular focus on the achievements of the great artists of the period, including the paintings of Jean Fouquet.

PALAIS DE LA PORTE DOREE - Olympism, a world history

April 26 to September 8, 2024 

This exhibition recounts the Olympic saga through the crises, struggles and major victories that have shaped our contemporary world, and traces 130 years of geopolitical, social and cultural evolution since the creation of the modern Olympic Games. 

The rhythmic, chronological tour takes visitors behind the scenes of each of the 33 Olympiads, from Athens in 1896 to Paris in 2024, including the competitions that didn't take place (1916, 1940, 1944). Featuring almost 400 works, documents, archive films and photographs, the exhibition brings together historical events, sports figures who witnessed or played a part in these high points, and artists' perspectives. 

This history is punctuated by major international conflicts and struggles for equality, parity, inclusion, and against racism and discrimination. This exhibition reaffirms the Palais de la Porte Dorée's commitment to these values, which are at the heart of its scientific and cultural project, its actions and its programming.

GRAND PALAIS IMMERSIF - Loading. Urban art in the digital age

December 6, 2023 to July 21, 2024

Grand Palais Immersif invites you to experience the history of this popular art form, which has moved from the streets to social networks, embracing the political and social causes of their time. Through monumental projections, interactive experiences and an original musical creation, discover urban art. 

CINÉMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE - The art of James Cameron

April 3, 2024 to January 5, 2025

The exhibition celebrates the genius of James Cameron, one of the greatest directors, screenwriters, producers and inventors of all time, and offers an exceptional journey into the mind of a genius. 

The Art of James Cameron takes visitors on a journey through six decades of innovative work. It brings together a dazzlingly diverse array of rare and previously unseen works from the filmmaker's immense private collection. This exhibition, the first of its kind on this scale, shows and accompanies the trajectory of his ideas, which led to such modern films that have become classics today as Terminator, Aliens, Titanic or Avatar.


April 4 to September 29, 2024

Saturation, distortion, voices from beyond the grave, shocking iconography: metal is subversive, both in discourse and form. Since its genesis nearly fifty years ago, the genre has resisted institutionalization, but its following continues to grow. 

After electro and hip-hop, the Philharmonie explores this new territory, its codes and the wealth of its myths. Contrary to the caricatures to which metal is often reduced, the exhibition presents, for the first time in France, a documented picture of this movement, where music, popular culture, anthropological vision and contemporary art are in dialogue.


CHÂTEAU DE CHANTILLY - Claude Lorrain, drawings and etchings

March 2 to June 19, 2024

Lifting the golden veil from the incomparably poetic landscapes he painted, mainly in Rome, this exhibition presents drawings and etchings by Claude Lorrain to explore the flashes, hesitations and doubts of one of the most important masters of the 17th century.

A tireless draughtsman, Claude Lorrain used broad ink washes, meticulous pen strokes and rapid notations in black stone to study nature, transcribe sunlight at different times of day and compose everyday, religious or mythological scenes.

Transposed into etchings, his subjects take on new tonalities and lose none of the experimental freedom that characterizes the gesture of this artist, one of the most singular figures in the history of art.

CHÂTEAU DE CHANTILLY - André - Charles Boulle

June 8 to October 6, 2024

For the first time in France, an exhibition will be dedicated to him by one of the greatest French cabinetmakers of all time, André-Charles. The finest creations of this genius, from the most prestigious commissions (the King, the Grand Dauphin, the Prince de Condé, the Duchess of Burgundy), will be brought together at château in Chantilly to celebrate the excellence of French furniture, whose technique is equalled only by the grace of its forms. 

Both artist and craftsman, d'André-Charles Boulle (1642-1732) worked for the Bâtiments du roi for over fifty years, and with his workshop took on commissions from the royal family and high nobility. He achieved a degree of technical perfection, notably in the marquetry of metals and tortoiseshell, which he brought to the highest level, and as a genius bronzier, he imposed gilded bronze on furniture, renewing its typologies. 

He was also an inquisitive collector and a talented draughtsman, keen to promote his work, particularly through engraving. Closely associated with the sumptuousness of French art in the reign of Louis XIV, he became a household name during his lifetime, and has remained so ever since.


March 29 to June 30, 2024

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Impressionism in 1874in spring 2024, the Musée des impressionnismes Giverny is organizing an exhibition entitled Impressionism and the Seawhich, through the works of artists such asEugène BoudinJohan Barthold Jongkind, Claude MonetGustave Courbet and Paul Gauguin, the exhibition the Impressionist artists' attraction to the sea..

The subject will be explored from new thematic and chronological perspectives: life on the docks and in the fishing industry, transport and the maritime industry, but also storms and a taste for elsewhere...


TOULOUSE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM - Sex_Appeal. The scandalous life of nature

October 14, 2023 to July 7, 2024

The intimate lives of plants and animals are exposed without taboos, in all their poetry, fantasy and ingenuity, but also in all their crudity and even violence.

DOMAINE DE CHAUMONT SUR LOIRE - Iconographic treasures from the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire in the Broglie era

December 8, 2023 to March 10, 2024

To mark the 80th anniversary of the death of the Princesse de Broglie in 1943, the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire is organizing an exhibition entitled "Iconographic treasures of the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire during the de Broglie family's lifetime", featuring over a hundred photographs. 

Topics include: the Princesse de Broglie's favorite animals (elephant, donkeys, deer park), domesticity, the landscaped park (rustic bridge, covered bench, lawn tennis, ice house), the vegetable garden and greenhouses, the construction of the model farm, private apartments, the Corpus Christi procession in the village, the princely couple's children, private apartments, the princely family's travels, the restoration of Château Starting at 1880, "local naturals".

LA SUCRIÈRE, LYON - Elliott Erwitt: retrospective

October 22, 2023 to March 7, 2024 

This exhibition pays tribute to one of the most important photographers of the 20th century, a member of Magnum Photos since 1954. An American photographer of European origin, Elliott Erwitt is at once a painter of the intimate, a photojournalist, an advertising photographer, a film director and a portraitist of personalities such as Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy, Charles de Gaulle, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Alfred Hitchcock, Nikita Khrushchev...
He has a way of immortalizing moments of everyday life with a look that is uniquely his own, mixing humor and emotion.

And always 

PETIT PALAIS -Le Paris de la Modernité (1905-1925) - until 14/04/24

ZADKINE MUSEUM - Chana Orloff. Sculpter l'époque - until 31/03/24

CITÉ DE L'ARCHITECTURE ET DU PATRIMOINE - Notre-Dame de Paris. From builders to restorers - until 02/06/24 

CITÉ DE L'ARCHITECTURE ET DU PATRIMOINE - Metro! Le Grand Paris en mouvement - until 02/06/24 

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With the Loc'Hall exhibition calendar, your venue is your entertainment for the evening!

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